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How to win in hand-to-hand fighting

As taught to the british commandos and the U.S. armed forces




The psychological reaction of any man, when he first takes the smatchet in his hand, is full justification for its recommendation as a fighting weapon. He will immediately register all the essential qualities of a good soldier-confidence, determination, and aggressiveness.
Its balance, weight, and killing power, with the point, edge, or pommel, combined with the extremely simple training necessary to become efficient in its use, make it the ideal personal weapon for all those not armed with a rifle and bayonet.
Note. - The smatchet is now in wide use throughout the British armed forces. It is hoped that it will soon be adopted by the United States Army.

Carrying, Drawing, and Holding

  1. The smatchet should be carried in the scabbard on the left side of the belt, as in Fig. 113. This permits one to run, climb, sit, or lie down.
    Note.-A.ny equipment at present carried in this position should be removed to another place.
  2. Pass the right hand through the thong and draw upwards with a bent arm (Fig. 114).
  3. Grip the handle as near the guard as possible, cutting edge downwards (Fig. 115).

    NO. 29 - THE SMATCHET (cont.)

Close-In Blows

  1. Drive well into the stomach (Fig. 116).
  2. "Sabre Cut" to right-low of neck (Fig. 117).
  3. Cut to left-low of neck (Fig. 118).
  4. Smash up with pommel, under chin (Fig. 119).

NO. 29 - THE SMATCHET (cont.)

Close-In Blows (cont.)

5. Smash down with pommel into the face (Fig. 120).

Attacking Blows

  1. "Sabre Cut" to left or right wrist (Fig. 121).
  2. "Sabre Cut" to left or right arm (Fig. 122).

